Friday 24 May 2024


I hold your gaze
With my blue eyes
You choose a card
I feed you lies
My voice is honey
My manner beguiling 
You miss the signs
Just see my smiling
How kind I was
A drink to buy you
You see the room
Start to spin by you
The darkness falls
As I lean in 
Perchance to kiss you?
No, to sink teeth in
A quiet corner 
Of a darkened pub
You came here seeking
Sinful love
Instead I drain you
Of your sweet blood
And then release you
For the thieves
To empty your pockets
As I silently , leave. 

Monday 20 May 2024

Is This When It Gets Better?

Is This When It Gets Better?.

They say it gets worse
Before it can improve. 
But it's got so much harder
I'm finding hard to prove
This theory in a nation
That's lost its drive to love
Hope has taken flight
Like a eager turtle dove

They drive the mental breakdowns
They tell us we are feckless
To give up work in despair 
They say that we are reckless

Yet people they are dying
More so at their own hands 
As no one's their to help them
As no one understands. 

The rivers flow with sewage
When they were full of fish
The paths all lose their width
As nature spreads its fingers
And stretches through each slish. 

They starve the council's coffers
Then blame them for their cuts
A clinical gaslight tactic 
Explained with ifs and buts

They leave our veterans in the streets 
Then blame asylum seekers
They know the money is all there
These slime still seek to cheat us. 

They blame the poor guy with a phone
That gets him help and safe warm refuge
They blame your neighbours with a telly
Who shelter from the deluge

Of debt and hard demands for cash
That batter their souls completely 
While ultra rich just get much richer.
And hide their taxes neatly.

I think it's time we had a change
I hope its for our betterment 
I hope for the mending of our land
Our people and our temperament 

I can but hope we learn to love 
To care for humans fleeing
I can but hope for a kinder nation
To itself to its people, human beings. 

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Sweet Fanny Adams


Sweet Fanny Adams

A man of means was Frederick Baker

Worked in legal offices

Thought he could simply take her

An 8 year old child with her sisters

They felt it safer to stay together

However he insisted

He offered coins to Fanny first

Then tried to buy her siblings exit

Send them off to sate hunger and thirst

But then he simply legs it

But not without first grabbing the girl

While her sisters looked in disbelief

He ran into the hop fields and hid with her

His status empowering the child thief

Distraught were her family to lose sweet Fanny

Then came the news from a farmer:

A mutilated head was displayed on some stakes

No doubts on who had owned it

The police found blood on Baker’s clothes

He thought he could escape but he’d blown it

With parts of the girl slowly coming to light

He was tried for the gruesome atrocity

He was sentenced to hang before a Winchester

And duly executed with some due velocity

A tale of a upper class entitled bad’un

Who thought he could just dispose of Sweet Fanny Adams

Joanne Oliver 2023

Tuesday 27 September 2022


I'm just a bunny
A bunny, say I 
I look so cute 
With just one eye
I wander through
A land so dry
I wonder why
I make you cry!

Your world has gone
You silly folk
Your leaders did that
When they "mis-spoke"
I have ten tickles
They're not to choke
If I wrap round you 
It's just a joke

Be glad I'm here
Bunny so sweet
Look at my little bunny feet! 

A taste of home 
The countryside
Where rabbits roam
And foxes hide. 

We'll be so happy
In this toasty world
Where dust is smoky
And green fumes swirl

So take my "hand"
My human friend
Be with your Bunny
Until the end.

Saturday 3 September 2022

Rise Up

Rise Up 

Working class Tories
You brought us to this
You soaked up their stories
As they took the piss 

"They're doing their best, man"
Their failures excused
No mistakes by these liars
We're all being used

They'll feel not a twinge
As thousands more die
We are just their livestock
They're bleeding us dry

When will we discover
The warriors within?
The need for some fairness
Must be under our skin

With food getting scarcer
And warmth a rare treat
We must reject that new normal
And rise to our feet!

Saturday 29 January 2022

Didn't Like To Say

The windows painted open by the council
They didn't like to say
No heating but a coal fire
They didn't like to say
Single glazing draughty frames
Old bathroom we'll fit our own shower
They didn't like to say
Pay the rent for 50 years
Fit a kitchen themselves
Someone else said the house is unfit
They didn't like a fuss
Finally windows and central heating in
He dies and leaves her alone
Dementia creeps in
No one likes to know
They didn't like to say
Don't face it say nothing 
She didn't like to say
Until she can't cook them 
A nice Sunday lunch
They didn't like to say.

J Oliver 2022 

Sunday 10 May 2020


Boris boris where are you?
Boris oh Boris what should we do?
"Go out or don't, maybe wear masks, or leave them at home and wipe down your phone."
You gone red to green does this mean the virus has gone and been?
"Well no but let's open things up old bean!"
Boris please tell us, please tell us, do? How many shall die before this is through?"
"That's not my concern dear I work for the banks. For you and your family I give not two w**ks.  "
We're glad you have bred while we haven't got bread. But whilst we love babies....why must ours be dead? Why our mums,  siblings grandparents and dads? While you sit so safe in your no 10 pad?

"Well I'm the PM and my word is the law. So go fight the virus folks! That's what you're for!"