Friday, 8 June 2018

Wind Ya Neck In Missis.

I see a lot of things go on
In music theatre, things going wrong.
I try to keep my nose quite clean
And turn a blind eye to what's seen

It's hard though as a know-it-all
To ignore the stories, blank the falls
Feeling a duty to forewarn the others
As if I'm the culture fairy godmother

That's what I'm not no matter what I've seen
I'm just someone who's in the scene.
I need to stop being a keyboard junkie
It's not my circus, they're not my monkeys.

So time it is to take a break
From social media, mind's at stake.
If I'm not workin' I'll just sometimes check in
And at last, oh joy, I'll wind my neck in.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Small Business Rap

Why do I not feel part of the "women" thing?
The women in power, the women in business?
The sisters are doing it thing?
I keep on trying and every time feel out on the edge, on a limb.

The cliques and the chums and the yummy yum mums,
 the prosecco and cupcakes and comparing bums.
The look what I've done! And the enforcement of FUN.

Let's meet up at 7 am, like the men, and sell harder and faster to be just like them.
Convince folk to sign up for courses and then
Not give them enough to be a winner and when
They know they can't do it, sell services to them.

Oops there I said it I see it so much
The soft sell of digital with a feminine touch.
Then there's the takers who always will love a kind plug.
But would never help someone outside of the club.

I've put up with bad blokes and their boys club tricks
But not all misogynists come joined to dicks
Some just don't like those who don't toe the line
Of what women should do
Ones who don't outwardly shine

There's always a product to sell, yes it's true
Though they tell you it's just about helping your business for you.
They've just changed the game plan as now they can see
There are thousands of small business fish in the sea.
And all of them want that magic recipe.

So stock up on cakes and prosecco by the case
And think how your business can take up more space
How your seminars could bring in those sweet pounds
After all it's a weird trick with Twitter you found
Yes you did and you'll grow as you found the sweet spot
It's the businesses who make stuff that make not a lot.